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Sunil Manohar Dash

Assistant Professor, Ph.D.

Room No. 111, Annex Building

Bio-Inspired Aero and Hydrodynamics Research Laboratory

Department of Aerospace Engineering

Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur

West Midnapore, West Bengal State, India -721302


Phone: +91-3222-304512 (O)



Research Interests:

Flapping Aerodynamics; Flow Separation Control; Drag Reduction; Heat Transfer; Lattice Boltzmann Method;  Immersed Boundary Method; Particle Image Velocimetry; Flow Visualisation and Measurements 



Rahul Ranjan

Ph.D. Research Scholar 

Bio-Inspired Aero and Hydrodynamics Research Laboratory 

Year: 2020 -



Research Topic:

Investigation of Tandem Flapping Aerodynamics



Gangadhar Venkata Ramana

Ph.D. Research Scholar, PMRF Fellow

Bio-Inspired Aero and Hydrodynamics Research Laboratory 

Year: 2021 -



Research Topic:

Aerodynamics of Tubercle Airfoil 



Shuvranil Sanyal

Ph.D. Research Scholar

Bio-Inspired Aero and Hydrodynamics Research Laboratory 

Year: 2021 -



Research Topic:

Immersed Boundary-Lattice Boltzmann Method for FSI Problems


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Durga Charan

Ph.D. Research Scholar

Bio-Inspired Aero and Hydrodynamics Research Laboratory 

Year: 2022 -



Research Topic:

Design of Bio-Inspired Aerator


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Biswajit Tripathy

Ph.D. Research Scholar

Bio-Inspired Aero and Hydrodynamics Research Laboratory 

Year: 2024 -



Research Topic:

Guidance of Aerospace Vehicles


Shaik Mujahid

Ph.D. Research Scholar

Bio-Inspired Aero and Hydrodynamics Research Laboratory 

Year: 2024 -



Research Topic:

Flexible Airfoil Aerodynamics


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Aditya Juyal

MTech Student

Bio-Inspired Aero and Hydrodynamics Research Laboratory 

Year: 2024 -



Research Topic:

Investigation of  Tubercle  Airfoil Aerodynamics 

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Aadarsh Baish

MTech Student

Bio-Inspired Aero and Hydrodynamics Research Laboratory 

Year: 2024 -



Research Topic:

Investigation of  Tandem Flapping  Airfoil Aerodynamics 


Shreesh Mahapatra

Undergraduate Student

Bio-Inspired Aero and Hydrodynamics Research Laboratory 

Year: 2023 -



Research Topic:

Design of Robotic Knife Fish



Gauri Patki

Undergraduate Student

Bio-Inspired Aero and Hydrodynamics Research Laboratory 

Year: 2023 -



Research Topic:

Design of Tandem Wing MAV


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Bibhas Chand

Undergraduate Student

Bio-Inspired Aero and Hydrodynamics Research Laboratory 

Year: 2023 -



Research Topic:

LBM Solver Development for the Heat Transfer Applications



Nikhil Kumar Gamyan

Undergraduate Student

Bio-Inspired Aero and Hydrodynamics Research Laboratory 

Year: 2024 -



Research Topic:

Design of  Vertical Axis Wind Turbine


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Kalyani Kalavakunta

Undergraduate Student

Bio-Inspired Aero and Hydrodynamics Research Laboratory 

Year: 2023 -



Research Topic:

Physics-Inspired Neural Network for Flapping Aerodynamics


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Disha Uppuluri

Undergraduate Student

Bio-Inspired Aero and Hydrodynamics Research Laboratory 

Year: 2023 -



Research Topic:

Flapping Airfoil Kinematic Optimisation


Research Collaborators
  1. Prof. Michael Triantafyllou, Department of Mechanical Engineering, MIT, United States of America 

  2. Prof. Tee Tai Lim, Department of Mechanical Engineering, NUS, Singapore (Retired)

  3. Prof. Kim Boon Lua, Department of Mechanical Engineering, NYCU, Taiwan

  4. Prof. Hareesh Godaba, School of Engineering and Informatics, US, United Kingdom

  5. Prof. Dr. Sophie F. Armanini, School of Engineering and Design, TUM, Munich

  6. Prof. Pablo Valdivia Alvarado, Engineering Product Development Pillar, SUTD, Singapore

  7. Dr. M Muralidhar, Principal Scientist & Scientist In-Charge, Environment Group, ICAR-CIBA, India

  8. Prof. Sunita Mishra, Department of Mining Engineering, IIT Kharagpur, India

  9. Prof. Aurobinda Routray, Department of Electrical Engineering, IIT Kharagpur, India

  10. Prof. Mamata Jenamani, Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering, IIT Kharagpur, India

  11. Prof. Alistair Revell, Department of Mechanical and Aeronautical Engineering, UM, United Kingdom

  12. Prof. Atul Sharma, Department of Mechanical Engineering, IIT Bombay, India

Past Members
  1. Mr. Adhiraj Mukhopadhyay, BTP and MTP (Year: 2022-2024)-Self-propelling flapping aerodynamics  

  2. Dr. Prabir Sikdar, Ph.D. (Year: 2018-2024) - Topic: Development of IB-LBM solver and FSI problems

  3. Dr. Jit Sinha, Ph.D. (Year: 2018-2024) - Topic: Studying the rotational effects of flapping airfoils

  4. Mr. Kshitij AnandBTP and MTP (Year: 2021-2023- Topic: Rotational effects of flapping airfoils

  5. Mr. Akashdeep SinghBTP and MTP (Year: 2021-2023- Topic: Tandem flapping airfoils 

  6. Mr. Sohan Roy, BTP (Year: 2022-2023- Topic: Aerodynamics of slotted airfoil

  7. Mr. Duddupudi Mouli Bhaskar, M.Tech Thesis (Year: 2022-2023) - Topic: Tubercle airfoil optimisation

  8. Mr. Arhit Ray, Summer Intern (Year: 2023) - Topic: Static tubercle airfoil aerodynamics

  9. Mr. Akash Bhunia, BTP and MTP (Year: 2019-2022) - Topic: Developing IB-LBM solver for FSI problems

  10. Mr. Krithick Santhosh, BTP and MTP (Year: 2020-2022) - Topic: Path planning for underwater vehicles 

  11. Mr. Durga Prasad Surla, M.Tech Thesis (Year: 2021-2022) - Topic: Robotic Falcon-Wing morphing study

  12. Mr. Ashutosh Dash, MTP (Year: 2021-2022) - Topic: Bio-inspired aerator investigation

  13. Mr. Arnab Kumar Kundu, BTP (Year: 2021-2022) - Topic: Aerodynamics od corrugated airfoils

  14. Mr. Goutham Pati, BTP and MTP (Year: 2019-2021) - Topic: Design of robotic jellyfish 

  15. Mr. Seshant Bhansali, M.Tech Thesis (Year: 2020-2021) - Topic: Flapping wings in ground effect 

  16. Late Mr. Nishanth S, Ph.D. Research Scholar (Year: 2018-2021) - Topic:  Tandem flapping airfoils

  17. Mr. Sasi Preetham Devarasetty, Summer Intern (Year: 2020) - Topic: Thermal characterization of IR sensor



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